I heard about kids creating snowflakes to send to Sandy Hook over winter break. The PTA representing Sandy Hook stated that they had enough snowflakes to fill the town thanks to donations from around the country, so the snowflake project was closed.
Ironically, my kids came back from Art today pumped, I mean pumped, at their ability to cut and create snowflakes. They had just completed a winter art project. We never talked about Sandy Hook as a class, I simply told the kids that we should create more snowflakes that would put a smile on someones face. During an indoor recess time today due to cold and gloomy weather we created. The kids took brightly colored construction paper, scissors, and went crazy! I let them work together and help each other and after indoor recess was over we have so many handmade snowflakes I am not sure where we will hang them. Although I wont send them to Newtown, the best part is that they were all created with love by 7 and 8 year olds.
I snapped a real quick pic on my iPhone to show you. Its blurry, but full of love.
I am amazed what children can create when you simply tell them - lets make something to put a smile on a strangers face. I love my job. I wish the children, teachers, staff, and families of Sandy Hook all the courage and perseverance in the world. My heart is with you.
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